Email[email protected]

Order Forum (Delete parenthesis)
- Name/Contact: (Can be Username)
- Item: (Ex: Reference sheet - $xx.xx)
- References/Characters: (At least one fullbody reference)
- Payment Type: (USD)(Other)
- Description: (Tell me a bit about what you want me to draw. Generally I will ask for what pose, expression, vibe, background, and style you want.)
*By ordering you agree that you have read my Terms of Service in full and agree to them.

Payment is required after you confirm your sketch, though you may pay upfront if you wish. You will be sent a payment link from me for PayPal or you can pay via Cashapp.If you have any questions, feel free to message me through any of my contacts.All transactions and orders will be recorded and documented.If you are curious how long you may have to wait for an update, ask or please check out my Queue.

Additional Characters + 75%

See Gallery or ask for more examples.

These are my Terms of Service regarding ArtBy commissioning me or purchasing a character designed by me, you have agreed that you have read my Terms of Service in full.Table of Contents:1. Contacts
2. Basic Terms
3. Terms of use
a) Artworkb) Characters4. Payment Terms
5. Refunds
1. Contacts∙ If you are commissioning me from Wolvden, you are required to send me a PM with your commission details, method of payment, and character via Wolvden messaging. See rule 2.7, Tree Carvings. Further discussion can be taken offsite.∙ If you are commissioning me from a platform or from viewing my website, you can check my contacts page for info.2. Basic Terms∙ Estimated time of completion can be anywhere from 1-8 weeks after I start on it. If my Queue is long, it may take me longer to contact you about your commission.∙ I reserve the right to cancel or deny a commission at any point and without explanation. A full refund will be provided if I cancel on you.∙ USD payments should be made via Cashapp or Paypal.∙ Refunds are given based off of artwork completion.∙ I do not draw NSFW. I will draw mild nudity (Ex: shirtless dudes, women in reasonable bathing suits).∙ I will not draw any hateful or offensive media.∙ I am willing to try drawing something new, but I cannot guarantee the same quality as subjects I have more experience with.∙ I will not draw a character based off of description unless you are commissioning me for a custom design.∙ If you do not want your commission posted publicly by me, Ex: on Deviant Art, or on YouTube, please let me know.3. Terms of Usea) Artwork∙ Do not claim my artwork as your own or use it for an A.I. database.∙ You may sell a CHARACTER with my artwork and others in their gallery, but not my artwork specifically or alone.∙ I reserve full rights to my original artwork. Do not resell my art or use it for commercial purposes. The only exception to this term is if you have paid a commercial use fee.∙ Do not remove, crop out, blur, cover, or change my credits/watermark in any way with the exception of cropping for the use of an avatar or icon.∙ If you crop my artwork for any reason, i.e. cropping a headshot to use as a character avatar, you are required to credit me on whatever profile, site, or application you are posting the cropped artwork to.∙ You may post my artwork offsite on Toyhouse or other CHARACTER hosting platforms only.∙ Do not reference or trace my artwork even if it is your character in the artwork.∙ I reserve the right to reuse sketches, backgrounds, and other design elements of rejected or cancelled commissions for personal use or other artworks. I will not reuse anything specific to a character that is not my own.∙ If you have ordered a custom design from me based off description, mood board, or other reference and cancel after the sketch phase, I reserve the right to use already completed/drawn design elements for and not limited to personal use.b) Characters∙ Any character designs created by me may not be traced, referenced, copied, or used for inspiration on another character without permission.∙ You may not resell a character designed by me without permission. This includes gifting and character trades.∙ You may not resell a character for more than you paid for it unless it has additional added art value.∙ If I allow you to resell a character design of mine, you must inform me of the recipient and have them read and agree to my TOS.∙ Character designs created by me must be properly credited to me. Do not claim the design as your own.∙ Do not reference my designs in any way for the the creation of another character.∙ Do not “kin” or breed my designs.∙ If a character is labeled as a closed species, the only person you may transfer the character to is me. Do not expect a full refund if you resell the character back to me.4. Payment Terms∙ Payment is required after you confirm that the provided sketches correctly represent what you are commissioning me for. If you are unable to pay for your artwork within 48 hours after completion of the sketch, please do not make a request. Do not be afraid to ask me to change something during the sketching period. This period is your opportunity to tell me what I need to fix, make better, move, add, etc. If I have your character’s proportions wrong, or you decide you want a different pose, or have a new idea for your commission, this is your time to tell me.∙ If at any point you fail to pay for your artwork, Example: Ghosting me after I ask you to provide payment, or file an unwarranted chargeback, I will not do art for you in the future and you will be reported as a scammer.5. Refunds∙ You are not allowed to cancel and ask for a full refund if any significant portion of your commission has already been completed. You may be given a partial refund at my discretion. I understand if you decide my art isn’t quite for you, and I ask that you understand that I may have spent many hours of my time on the in-progress artwork you are asking me to delete.∙ You have the right to cancel and receive a full refund any time during the sketching process.∙ I reserve the right to cancel a commission at any point and without explanation. You will receive a full refund regardless of the artwork’s completion stage if I cancel your commission.∙ Refunds are not available for completed or near-completed artworks.These Terms of Service may be subject to change. [4/24/24]

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Abe Parker